Oil on War
Now that you're familiar with CandyFloss Land, it’s time to reveal the darker truths hidden beneath. The Sugar War: mass deportations, destruction, and lives caught in between.
Artificial Invaders
A⦧I⚉nvaders is a new project on Apechain: 1000 artifical invaders ready to conquert the pixel art wolrd!
⨋ Nuclear Fusion
This work explores nuclear capability as both defense and threat, inviting reflection on the fragile balance between finality and rebirth.
Pixel Fragments
Pixel Fragments is a collection of 1,000 exclusive digital artifacts, meticulously crafted from the rarest pixel metals.
The World of Candy Floss
Beneath the sugary surface, the reality is far from candy-coated. I’ve come back with more than just a sweet story—hundreds of photos revealing the darker truths behind this so-called paradise.
Nebulosis evokes the idea of being immersed in, or affected by, the ethereal and mysterious qualities of nebulae.
MOE.saic Land
"MOE.saic Land" whispers secrets from the edge of the surreal and the visceral.
What is Left of Us
In the shadows of war, victory is an illusion. "What is Left of Us" reveals the enduring human spirit, marked by loss and longing for peace.
MOE.tion is a journey without limits, a constant state of movement or being that defies limitations.
Exploring the connection between void and creation, neurons and stars, trees and minerals...
I.nquiry A.rtifacts
A series of MOE° ♢ visual manifestation of the book "An Inquiry into Modes of Existence" by Bruno Latour.
Osmotic MOE: Visions of Genesis
"Osmotic MOE" encapsulates the permeation of boundaries, the merging of dichotomies. It's a manifestation of the bridge between internal and external worlds, between everything and nothing, and between life and the void.
The narrative woven in "MOEverse" portrays the interplay between life's terminations and emergences, echoing the constant rhythm that underlies our existence.
An Inquiry into Modes of Existence : Layer One
Inspired by acclaimed philosopher Bruno Latour and his book 'An Inquiry Into Mode Of Existence'